Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas cards post!

I’ve used Shutterfly for my Christmas cards for most recent years – at least since Niall was born, if I recall correctly, which is ten years ago now! That year I created a quick, folding Christmas card with a very short (for me :D) message included, and didn’t write a newsletter as I usually do. It was great to have the option to do it all-in-one like that, with a newborn arriving on December 23rd! If I’d been just a bit more organized, I would have done it all ahead of time, of course. :D

But usually instead of a folding card, I usually order a Christmas photo card like the one above, with a picture of all the boys (or a collage of favorite photos) and a holiday greeting. I include it with our family newsletter, so everyone gets pictures plus updates and I don’t have a separate card to complete.

Shutterfly gets lots of business from me at the holidays, because I also always order a set of calendars every year for grandparents and family members. Picking a mix of appropriate photos from throughout the previous year and also somewhat-aligning the photo with the month/season is always a fun challenge. The calendars are beautiful, and always eagerly anticipated by the recipients.

I’d better get cracking this year, since we’ll be in New Zealand for the holidays (leaving mid-December!) so I don’t have nearly as much time to procrastinate as usual!

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