[Tynor] Today we finally got to Legoland! On the way there, there was a car that was turned upside down! Here is a list of some rides that we went on (ratings out of 5 stars):
· The Dragon(*****)
· Coastaurus(****1/2)
· Safari Zone(***1/2)
We were very tired when we got back.
· The Dragon(*****)
· Coastaurus(****1/2)
· Safari Zone(***1/2)
We were very tired when we got back.
[Stacia] – At last, we arrive at Legoland! We had a *wonderful* time, all of us. Glad we’ll have two days, because this first day we kind of flitted from one thing to the next, checking things out. Good to know we can come back and enjoy our favorites again tomorrow.
Our first stop was the Volvo driving course, since I figured that would be the first to develop long lines. I didn’t realize that there was a driving course that Cory could go on too, just for 3-5 year olds.
So while Tynor and Niall drove the big course, Cory and I headed next door to the single-lap course for preschoolers. He and another boy were the only ones driving that first time (a singular experience – every other visit to the track, there were relatively long lines). Cory did just great! He figured out how to push on the “gas” pedal, and he paid attention to steering most of the time. Except when he turned to watch the other boy, when he stopped moving – whoops, almost hit the side that time! He was so serious – totally focused on the experience, steering around the track, moving forward.
There are two attendants who help the kids, and normally they are running the whole time to get traffic jams un-jammed, help kids who have hit the center or the side to get backed out and going again. This first time, Cory and the other boy practically had their own personal attendants, but they didn’t need them much, with the whole course to themselves.
When Cory finished and got his little “license” card (he was thrilled about that), we went back to the main driving course, and Niall and Tynor were just heading out in their cars. So we got to see them drive, and waved and cheered for them as they navigated the much bigger course. Their course included lanes, stop signs, and lots of different “roads” they could travel, not just a single lap course. Great fun!
Next we rode the helicopters (you can go up and down, and turn one way or the other) and then the sky-ride/pedal thing (Sky Rider?). Cory couldn’t reach the pedals so we just enjoyed the ride – quite a view from up there. Tynor and Niall, in front of us, pedaled madly the whole time (and got there just as quickly ;-). T & N also rode on a pulley-system ride (that Cory was too small for). It was fun for the boys to actually go on the rides that they'd played with in the Lego computer game.
The biggest hit of the day for Niall and Tynor was the Dragon rollercoaster. Niall has never been on a rollercoaster before and was convinced he would love it (just on general principle, I guess). I looked up at the roaring cars, swooshing and circling by, and remembered our little adventure on the Banana Split at Gilroy Gardens. He was sure he would love that too, but was a whole lot less sure five seconds after it started. But off he and Tynor went anyway, while Cory and I waited below where we could see the initial climb of the coaster and the first curves and drops. I could see them (or Tynor at least) as they zoomed by, but naturally couldn’t tell whether Mr. N was terrified or thrilled or what. But they came out of the “castle” exit, and Niall was beaming from ear to ear – he’s hooked! Still, we all forwent the chance to ride on the tall coaster that looked a whole lot scarier. Tynor would have gone on it with me, but…we couldn’t exactly leave Niall to watch Cory.
The rest of the day in a nutshell: we lunched right next to a pirate show, which Niall and Tynor went back to watch all the way through later. Quite slapstick and loads of fun, including a part where they take volunteer kids from the audience and “lock” them up in a prisoner wagon – where they have the best view in the house for the rest of the show. :-)
Later we watched a lively hoot of a fire safety and "training" song-and-dance show, starring some bumbling “volunteer firefighters." Cory was mesmerized the entire time – just loved it.
Another hit was a huge climbing area with nets, slides, tunnels, and more.
Then it was soooo hot, we headed for a big water play area and got some relief from the blazing heat. Cory didn’t want to go in the water, but I splashed some on him anyway (which he didn’t mind). I wished I'd brought my bathing suit or at least my sandals, so I could get properly soaked! But made due with getting tangentially wet by hugging my soaking kids. :-)
We finally left just a few minutes before closing. Whew, long day of fun and play but everyone held up remarkably well.
Unfortunately, we arrived back at camp to find a huge ANT INVASION! Sigh. Fortunately, I got everyone fed and Cory to sleep before I noticed the little marchers, but then Niall was up way too late as I tracked down the invaders’ route, mopped and wiped with rags, and generally cleaned up. Of course, Niall was delighted to point out fresh lines of ants I hadn’t yet spotted – didn’t bother him at all that they were crawling all over the place. Tynor was a lot less excited…shall we say… Creepy crawlies don’t thrill him.
And then as I finally got that mess basically under control, and Niall was read to and tucked in…the off-duty soldiers who had been setting up camp next door kicked their party into full gear. Can we not catch a break here??!!! I’ve never spent so many nights of camping trying to sleep with people whooping it up inches from my pillow.
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