[Tynor] Another exhausting day at Legoland. We mostly went on the same rides but some of them were new to us. The Dragon was new for mom and so was the Safari Zone. We also stopped at “The Big Store” to buy some souvenirs. Niall bought an “Exo-force” Lego creation thing-ma-bob. I got a “Royal Guard” (from Star Wars) keychain and a Bionicle. Once again, we were all tired at the end of the day.
[Stacia] - I got to ride on the infamous Dragon roller coaster with Niall – fun! I didn’t realize that the whole first part, the cars weave through a chamber with all kinds of cool Lego creations: goblets, jewels, and finally, the Dragon himself. Then you go out through a door and climb the track for the fast run portion.
We also stumbled across a nursery rhyme boat ride where the boats float along a canal past various characters (e.g. Little Red Riding Hood) in kind of snapshots from the storylines. You board the boats from a slowly turning circle, so the boats keep slowly going by and you climb in. Everyone really liked it, which was surprising considering how simple it was. But it was fun to float along in the boat. We all fit into one boat, more or less. Tynor and I sat in the back on the first round and decided that was a mistake! There was no line, so we just stayed in the boat to go around again but Tynor and Cory swapped seats (surreptitiously) so we’d be a bit more balanced.
The off-duty army partiers were so enthusiastic that I drove up to the ranger station at the entrance and asked them to do something, so we could get some sleep. The initial response was “Well, what exactly do you mean by ‘cranking their music’?” Umm…I mean that I could hear it clearly in the bathroom stalls several blocks away – nevermind next door to the site! They hemmed and hawed and looked at the clock (it was 9:45, so I guess they technically still had 15 minutes to be completely obnoxious to everyone around them?), and finally said they’d send someone over if they hadn’t quieted down by 10. Eventually someone did show up and had a little chat with them, and they settled down a bit. But I’m glad to be leaving after this night. Tomorrow we pack up and head northward toward home!
The shows were a big hit again. We went back and saw the whole fire fighting show this time. And Niall announced that he wanted to get chosen to get “locked up” in the pirate show. Wouldn’t you know it, he stood up, raised his hand, and he was one of the five kids picked!
Another area we discovered near the end of the day: the huge Duplos play area. There’s also a musical/fountains/water play are next to it that Niall especially enjoyed. The fountain has different instruments playing the same music, and as you dance in front of the sensors along the side, the instrument in front of you plays the music. So if lots of people dance, there’s lots of different music. If you’re there doing it yourself, just your instrument plays. Niall danced and played there for maybe 45 minutes.
Meanwhile, Cory was thrilled to find the Duplos play area, complete with tons of Duplos to play with – build and create, wash, stack, sort, etc. – and various big-scale versions of Duplo play pieces: police car, motorcycle, fire house, helicopter, etc. There was also a maze, and even a small Duplo-like train that went around and around a little track. Niall and I went on the train after he finally tired of the music fountain, and I tried to entice Cory to join us but he was too busy playing in the rest of the Duplos area. Later, as I was tracking the kids in various places, I realized that Cory had been up in the “attic” of a house for a very long time. Turns out there was a slide out the other side that I didn’t know about – and he had slid down, walked over to the train ride, and gotten on all by himself! I looked over, and there he was contentedly riding on this train, without a care in the world. Talk about independent! ;-)
More ants awaited us when we got back to the campground, and we finally just raised the support leg that they were using for a highway to the popup. They were marching right across the Ajax we had put down, about two inches wide. I guess once they know there’s something they want, they will go across unpleasant stuff to get to it. So the key is PREVENTION! We’ll know better next time.
The off-duty army partiers were so enthusiastic that I drove up to the ranger station at the entrance and asked them to do something, so we could get some sleep. The initial response was “Well, what exactly do you mean by ‘cranking their music’?” Umm…I mean that I could hear it clearly in the bathroom stalls several blocks away – nevermind next door to the site! They hemmed and hawed and looked at the clock (it was 9:45, so I guess they technically still had 15 minutes to be completely obnoxious to everyone around them?), and finally said they’d send someone over if they hadn’t quieted down by 10. Eventually someone did show up and had a little chat with them, and they settled down a bit. But I’m glad to be leaving after this night. Tomorrow we pack up and head northward toward home!
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